OMH Consolidated Fiscal Report (CFR) Contacts
Unit staff are assigned alphabetically to help answer questions related to the Consolidated Fiscal Report.
Use the table below to determine the Fiscal Analyst assigned to support your Agency.
First Letter of Agency Name |
OMH CFR Unit Analyst Assigned to Agency |
Telephone Number |
A | Kaitlin Kilmartin | (518) 402-2480 |
B | Naqi Gibbs | (518) 474-8104 |
C | Ann Hoffman | (518) 473-8668 |
D - F | Naqi Gibbs | (518) 474-8104 |
G - J | Joshua Baker | (518) 486-6719 |
K | Kaitlin Kilmartin | (518) 402-2480 |
L | Naqi Gibbs | (518) 474-8104 |
M | Kaitlin Kilmartin | (518) 402-2480 |
N | Joshua Baker | (518) 486-6719 |
O | Kaitlin Kilmartin | (518) 402-2480 |
P | Joshua Baker | (518) 486-6719 |
Q - S | Ann Hoffman | (518) 473-8668 |
T | Naqi Gibbs | (518) 474-8104 |
U - Z | Kaitlin Kilmartin | (518) 402-2480 |
For questions about the CFR State Aid claim, contact the Contracts & Claims unit at (518) 473-7885.
Contact information for other NYS Agencies that require a CFR is available in Section 8.0 of the CFR Manual.
For technical issues with the CFRS software
Open a help desk ticket by phone: 1-800-HELPNYS, option 2 or by email Helpdesk.
Comments or questions about the information on this page can be directed to the OMH CFR Unit.